As Kolkata’s leading digital marketing agency, we create digital marketing strategies and experiences that meet great expectations. We provide various services to lift your brand off the ground quickly to attain visibility and growth.


As Kolkata’s leading digital marketing company, we believe that your digital footprint should be as unique as the customers using them and we readily embrace this challenge. Whether you are a start-up or an established business, Brandshark has the expertise to lead you in the right way.

Website Development


In this technologically driven world, achieving a lasting online presence is an aim that businesses need to pursue. Brandshark’s skilled team of web designers and developers employ their years of experience and expertise in building high-performing, feature-packed, secure and scalable websites. We provide tailor-made website development services to meet your specific industry needs.

Social Media Marketing


Social Media Marketing is a tactical technique that directs massive web traffic to your business. With a custom social media marketing plan curated for your business, you can easily turn your social media handles into a powerful tool that brings more customers, traffic, and engagement using Social Media. We oversee and manage every aspect of your social media campaign, from the content of your posts to the design of your images.

Advertisement Management


With the ever-growing internet usage and smartphone availability, digital advertising can help you reach out to a sea of potential customers. Whether you want to increase traffic to your websites, bring new customers on-board, or increase conversions, our Ad management services can help you reach your goal.

Search Engine Optimization


Whether you’re a new startup or a multinational giant, your successful online visibility depends heavily on search engine optimization. For higher ranking in search engines, you need dedicated SEO services of high caliber. That’s where we step in!

End to End Transformation of Your Digital Presence

Be it a startup, SMB or enterprise, a business needs a solid presence in the ever changing digital world. We make sure your business has an evolved presence which resonates with your end users.

To achieve these results, we peel off every layer of your business and deep dive to understand its core. Based on our findings and your buyer persona, we digitize your business strategically